It’s a normal day at Amogh. Trainees enter the premises with that same spark of enthusiasm that they carry everyday. Soon, the atmosphere is filled with chirpy “Good morning mam!” & “Good morning sir!”. As the trainees huddle around the front yard for the morning prayer, there’s a sense of preparedness for the day ahead. Then, everyone starts busying themselves with their duties for the day. With Diwali just around the corner, these tasks consist of painting Diyas with colorful acrylic paints, making paper bags, paper roll making etc. Lunch happens in the afternoon over shared laughter and homemade curries. Thereafter, it’s tea time, when trainees proudly share their experiences of the day with the teachers, over steaming cups of chai. 

This is what a day in the life of the folks at Amogh looks like.

World Mental Health Day is celebrated every year on 10th October 2022. The theme for this year is “making mental health for all a global priority.”

While people and organizations all around the world strive to prioritize Mental Health today, we at Amogh have been prioritizing mental wellbeing every day of every year, since its inception! Our daily routine is specially tailored keeping in mind the overall mental and physical well-being of our special needs adults. 

The Show Must Go On

However, this was not the case when the government imposed lockdowns to curb the spread of Coronavirus. For more than a year, the center remained shut. According to reports, 9 out of 10 autistic people worried about their mental health during the lockdown. 85% said their anxiety got worse. Autistic people were 7 times more likely to be chronically lonely than the general population and 6 times more likely to have low life satisfaction. 

Trainees at Amogh lost their daily routines and schedules during the lockdown, which is crucial for people with autism. “The loss of a daily schedule was very disorienting for trainees here. Routines and schedules help keep them disciplined, focused and engaged and also helps with behavioral issues”, said Namrata, Design Consultant at Amogh products. 

However, the team at Amogh managed to keep the trainees engaged in a myriad of online workshops and activities. Akhila Krishnamurthy, the Founder Trustee of Amogh shared her insights on how they pulled it off.

We ensured that none of the training stopped during the pandemic. For instance, Yoga and physical training classes were conducted online too. Some trainees even worked on the digitization programme from their homes.” 

We created videos and tutorials on paper bag making and shared it with the trainees, who could then continue working from home using old newspapers as raw material. We also asked our trainees to take  tabletop looms home for weaving. All our training went on as usual.” She added. 

To further entertain the trainees at their homes, music classes were conducted online once or twice in two weeks. A volunteer group conducted Mandala Art sessions, which was thoroughly enjoyable for the trainees. Fun storytelling and cooking sessions were also held to keep their (trainees’) interest sustained throughout the lockdown.

Self-Care: Amogh Ishtyle! 

On that note, here are 5 Golden Self-Care Tips that we at Amogh live by! Make these your go-to when you want to unwind: 

Get Crafty

A little bit of fun with colors and textures is actually a very sensory experience, one that’s inherently very therapeutic! So go back to your school days and get crafty with that box of crayons/paints. 

Stretch it Out 

A conventional tip, but we swear by this one! Trainees at Amogh attend Yoga classes too! A little bit of movement goes a long way in keeping you mentally as well as physically fit. 

Connect with people

Have you been putting off meeting your close friend? Or maybe it’s been a while since you called up your favorite aunt or uncle. Either way, connecting with people around you has been proven to lift your mood and spirits. 

Learn Something New

Take a dance class, sign up for a pottery class or maybe explore your adventurous side by going on a trek with your friends. It can be anything! Learning keeps you young and on your toes. Always strive to be a lifelong learner. 

Journal Everyday

Professionals working in the mental health industry highly recommend this one. Journaling has been proven to help with anxiety and stress as well. 

We simply don’t offer advice. We practice what we preach. Don’t believe us? Visit our Instagram Page (@amoghtrust) to see glimpses of all our trainees following this guide to the T!

Changing the Narrative

According to a 2012 survey, 63% of autistic children were known to be bullied. This percentage was three times higher than that of their siblings who didn’t have autism. Besides this, people with special needs and spectrum disorders often face stigma in society. 

We need to understand that differently abled children or adults are called ‘differently abled’ for a reason. They’re able to experience life the same as us, but in their own unique way. Let’s shift the narrative by normalising spectrum disorders and creating a more inclusive society that’s kinder, understanding and compassionate. 

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One Comment

  • Anu Anandaram says:

    My son, Abhishek joined Amogh in 2018. He has learnt many things at amogh, like data entry, scanning work, mat weaving, etc. He developed iimmense interest in exercises because of physical trainer Mr. Loknath. Now he has become fitness freak! He got busier during covid lockdown working on Saksham project. When many people didn’t know what to do during lockdown, he was busy doing digitization work from home! I also am enjoying the positive Amogh atmosphere as a resource person there. Interacting with every trainee gives me happiness. Working on each product, whether it be in rakhi making, diya painting, chocolate wrapping etc brings satisfaction. I feel a sense of fulfilment when I handle soft skill session for the trainees at Amogh. I wish from the bottom of my heart that Amogh grow taller and spread its wings wider. Thank you so much Amogh for training my son and giving us both opportunity to work for a good cause.